Whispers of elegance: The 'demure fall' trend in home decor


Realtor.com’s Jennifer Kelly Geddes has been hard at work searching TikTok for decor trends. The result? We're all in for a "demure fall," whether we like it or not.

Anyone wrapped up in the latest viral trend will know that "Brat summer" is now making way for a new seasonal theme, sparked by social media sensation Jools Lebron, who has captivated millions of viewers with her tips on how to be more "mindful" and "cutesy" in our daily lives.

In her viral clips, Lebron describes how to act more "demure" at work, how to be "mindful" when traveling on a plane, and even how to be "cutesy" when shopping for a car. Her ethos has been very quick to catch on, with everyone from Jennifer Lopez to Jimmy Fallon to Olivia Rodrigo seizing on the trend in recent days.

But there is one key area that Lebron has yet to tackle: home decor. So, Geddes asked a host of interior experts to share some brilliant tips on how you can give your home a "mindful, cutesy" makeover just in time for "demure fall."

Designer Vicente Wolf says he has long been using this particular philosophy and its framework for his own design aesthetic. "I try to have my spaces never to be jarring and offer a balanced quality—they're the opposite of the Kardashians," he quips.

Unfussy, clean, and balanced are some of the hallmarks of demure and mindful decor, says designer Ariel Barrionuevo. "Demure, as a design philosophy, is about creating a space that whispers rather than shouts. It's less about specific colors or shapes and more about the balance of subtle details that evoke grace without demanding attention," he explains.

This trend feels feminine and sweet, but shouldn't be overly saccharine, notes Wolf. For example, when considering artwork, "obvious bouquets of flowers or children running through a field or a little puppy are the opposite of what makes a room demure. They're too much in-your-face and lack subtlety," he says.

Wolf urges homeowners to strive for a demure sleep space. "The color palette in the bedroom should make the skin look like it's blushing. I like working in neutrals and then play them against muted silvers," he says.

Geddes reports that in this primary bedroom, Wolf has created a "cocoon-like quality with a recessed headboard that also includes reading lights."

While Lebron has posted many videos with her tagline,when it comes to the home, the mindful, demure look has solid roots in other decor trends, however. For example, demure's instant popularity is similar to TikTok's "unexpected red," a micro trend from just a couple of months ago.

But, thanks to fun and flirty coquette decor, inspired by the Netflix period series "Bridgerton," a pink-hued, quieter, demure approach to home decor came back in vogue.

Note to self: No overhead lights—ever—in a considerate, cutesy space. "This is not a hospital," says one decor enthusiast in an Instagram clip that points out that the room is "very considerate, very mindful for my guests," with candlelight (very demure!) and small table lamps. This is all in an effort not to do too much or overwhelm the vibe.

Wolf echoes this sentiment, adding that he frequently chooses pink lightbulbs to achieve the same flattering type of light. Other kinds of considerate lighting include task lamps and well-placed sconces.

Thrifting secondhand pieces definitely fits this theme. Barrionuevo encourages folks to "curate spaces in a way that reflects who you are, not just in objects but in how you arrange them."

"Of course, you'll put clothes away and clean up messes, but there are other strategies for maintaining a peaceful, mindful aspect that appeal to the senses in a calming manner," Wolf says.

Try to include plants as they "bring a sense of life to a room," Wolf says. Flowers look joyful and smell good (scented candles do the trick as well), he adds. "And fresh fruit in a bowl gives a sense of generosity."

As you embrace the "demure fall" trend in your home, remember the words of Amélie Poulain from the whimsical French film "Amélie": "It's better to help people than garden gnomes.”

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